Our Circle Self-Starter Market

It is time to move away from options that only offer “something to do” and move toward programs that provide tangible opportunities to learn.

Our Circle’s Self-Starter Market creates entrepreneurial avenues that help participants learn new skills- such as financial literacy, how to remain task oriented, and how to focus.


Our circle nutrition & Fit club

Inactive lifestyles caused by boredom - combined with psychosis medication used to combat the aggressive behaviors associated with autism - often leads to weight gain and decreased health.

 A balanced diet combined with a regular fitness plan is phenomenal way to boost our overall mental health. Benefits include improved cardiovascular health, and increased coordination, strength, and endurance. This can help contribute to an increased sense of body awareness.


our circle garden club

Spending time in nature is a great way to combat anxiety, promote sensory integration, and build social skills.  

Gardening reduces negative arousal levels. It also creates a meaningful connection between growing food and eating healthy.  Participants will learn prevocational skills - such as self-discipline, personal responsibility, time management, and problem solving. 


our circle Inclusion club

Autism is a lifelong development disability that affects how a person communicates with and interacts with others.

Our Circle’s Inclusion Club ensures that each person has full access to their community and its resources. In time, relating to others could become a learned skill.