
and leader in holistic healthcare!


Jessica A. Copeland-cousins

A true Interdisciplinarian, hailing from Oakland University in Rochester, Michigan.  Jessica A. Copeland-Cousins earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Interdisciplinary Studies, a school of thought that allowed her to study Special Education, Nursing, Marketing, Finance, Nutrition, Law, and Philosophy as one major.  Focusing on many areas to create the mission-minded holistic healthcare leader you see today.

Jessica’s 10+ years of experience working one-on-one with many individuals on the autism spectrum has taught her that, autism care is more than just behavior management with medication, it requires many different elements to help each individual self-actualize. Interdisciplinary studies was an introduction to combining what you need, from many areas, to create the outcome you want. This combination laid the groundwork for The Our Circle Organization, a four-part program that help adults with autism become everything they are capable of becoming. She holds true that, people have an extraordinary ability to change and adapt based on their experiences. For her, more inclusive experiences will give your adult a better chance to enjoy a meaningful life.

“One cannot run a business on empathy alone, nor can you provide empathetic care to others effectively without having the business know how – thanks to the Integrative Studies program, I was able to do both”. - Jessica A. Copeland- Cousins